request from: hawk started at: Fri May 10 15:58:35 2024 building SRPM using: cd rpm/packages; nice -n 0 ./builder -nu -nm --nodeps --http --define '_tld_builder 1' -bs -r MYSQL_8_0 mysql.spec 2>&1 builder: SMP make flags are set to -j2 Cloning into 'mysql'... 043980e73f824a20fabba31dd43010dc3426b25e Switched to a new branch 'MYSQL_8_0' Already up to date. bcond_without: invalid option -- 'c' error: /home/users/builder/rpm/packages/mysql/mysql.spec: line 15: Unknown option c in bcond_without() Name (NVR) query failed internal error: cache_rpm_dump not called! (missing %prep?) internal error: cache_rpm_dump not called! (missing %prep?) internal error: cache_rpm_dump not called! (missing %prep?) internal error: cache_rpm_dump not called! (missing %prep?) internal error: cache_rpm_dump not called! (missing %prep?) internal error: cache_rpm_dump not called! (missing %prep?) WARNING! Spec name (mysql) does not agree with package name () No conditional flags passed from available: --with : ndb sphinx system_boost systemtap tests --without: big_tables default federated innodb ldap raid ssl tcpd Available branches: MYSQL_5_5 MYSQL_5_6 MYSQL_5_7 MYSQL_8_0 master ./builder[2768]: ulimit: unlimited exceeds allowable coredump(blocks) limit Updating .distbcond bcond_without: invalid option -- 'c' error: /home/users/builder/tmp/builder..tWuwL5/mysql.spec: line 15: Unknown option c in bcond_without() 1< (%) 0< (%bcond_without) Building target platforms: x86_64-linux Building for target x86_64-linux real 0.01 user 0.01 sys 0.00 Error: package build failed. (no more info) exit status 1280 error: No files produced. builder: Active branch MYSQL_8_0. Use -r BRANCHNAME to override error: Macro %_builddir has empty body Begin-TLD-Builder-Info Build-Time: user:0.29s sys:0.14s real:1.78s (faults io:12 non-io:53608) End-TLD-Builder-Info