[...] Building for target x86_64-linux Wrote: /home/users/builder/rpm/SRPMS/perl-5.38.2-1.src.rpm RPM build warnings: Macro expanded in comment on line 721: %version macro. This hack works around it. real 0.64 user 0.57 sys 0.07 exit status 0 Writing package revision builder: SMP make flags are set to -j2 Already up to date. warning: Macro expanded in comment on line 721: %version macro. This hack works around it. No conditional flags passed from available: --with : microperl --without: gdbm tests threads Available branches: AC-branch PERL_5_12 PERL_5_26 PERL_5_8_0 PERL_5_8_1 PERL_5_8_4 RA-branch master rpm-4_1-15_1 rpm-4_4_3 rpm-4_4_6 rpm-4_4_7 rpm-4_4_9 perl-5.38.2.tar.xz having proper md5sum already exists perl-non-english-man-pages.tar.bz2 having proper md5sum already exists ./builder[2756]: ulimit: unlimited exceeds allowable coredump(blocks) limit warning: Macro expanded in comment on line 721: %version macro. This hack works around it. Building target platforms: x86_64-linux Building for target x86_64-linux Wrote: /home/users/builder/rpm/SRPMS/perl-5.38.2-1.src.rpm RPM build warnings: Macro expanded in comment on line 721: %version macro. This hack works around it. real 0.72 user 0.65 sys 0.07 warning: Macro expanded in comment on line 721: %version macro. This hack works around it. Writing git revision for tag tld/perl-5.38.2-1 error: Macro %_builddir has empty body Begin-TLD-Builder-Info Build-Time: user:4.50s sys:1.27s real:7.91s (faults io:10 non-io:637688) Files queued for ftp: 13839595 perl-5.38.2-1.src.rpm 183 perl-5.38.2-1.src.rpm.uploadinfo End-TLD-Builder-Info